When searching for your next IT support provider, consider the following: do they….
Are they VoIP savvy? Do they truly understand what is needed and how to configure a network.
Have experience helping other clients switch providers? Make sure the IT provider has experience helping other clients switch Always ask if you can view success stories from clients, if not, contact those organizations directly.
Take the time needed to plan the process? An IT provider should work with you to address any and all concerns you have about switching providers. They should also, have procedures and processes in place to make the switch seamless. Ensuring to gather up all necessary documentation (account logins and passwords, important files, ). Thereby, making sure everything is taken care of – from re-configuring systems when needed to testing that everything works.
Stay responsive to any issues during the process? An IT provider should be capable of responding whenever issues arise during the transition. You should also ensure they offer support, via phone, email, and web portal. Providing quick responses to any issues that arise.
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