You do not need to know the most people, but you do need to know the right people. I just took my bosses advise and got rid on over 50 contacts who never respond or participate. This is not in arrogance or being mean, but rather picking the people whom I’d... read more
It is far more important to truly understand their needs before you tell them yours (selling to them). One of the biggest difference between National ComTel and the other providers is that we insist on a comprehensive interview to learn about their company. Why?... read more
As a business owner of a national company, one of my responsibilities is to figure out how to provide more for less. We are always looking to create additional value for our customers and business partners. Growing a business is very challenging these days.... read more
Many people believe that networking is going out to hunt down new targets/new people for their network. Growing your network is a good and needed asset, however and this is the hard part. You MUST keep in contact with your current base. Having 1,000 people in your... read more
Ask if people want to be connected… If you are apprehensive about connecting two people, then ask one of them if they want to be connected. Provide examples like “I believe that the other person would like to meet someone with your expertise, service or... read more
Once again we would like to reiterate the importance of communicating with your provider/IT people. We recently had a customer come to us wanting to expand on their VoIP and Internet services with us (yeah for them and us). After completing the upgrade, the... read more
Develop the habit of introducing people. Connecting people is a powerful way to network and receive some personal remembrance. The idea of doing this seems foreign to many people, but it can be quite easy. Do you know two people who enjoy reading the same type of... read more
VoIP stands for “voice over IP (Internet protocol).” Sometimes referred to as “IP telephony,” “voice over broadband (VoBB),” or “Internet phone service,” VoIP describes communication services—voice, fax, voice mail, texting—that travel via the Internet, rather than... read more