
Several large telecom providers are reducing services and support for small and medium business.

  1. One big provider has a new $250.00/mo. minimum for new small businesses.
  2. One big provider does not value your business and is raising local rates and line charges.
  3. One big provider is ceasing support for some cloud products.

These basic and necessary communication needs for S&M businesses to operate are being un-serviced by the larger providers unless the business has a minimum dollar amount invoiced.  We have  learned that one of the large providers has just established a $250.00/mo. minimum, and another provider “has told customers it will end its public cloud in April (2016) to focus instead on its “enterprise-class range of cloud services.”  In other words, they do not value the smaller companies…..

Sources: direct email notification, industry newsletter notification 2/16, direct word of mouth.

