pride in providing our customers with our services.
It is my desire that all customers no matter their size or the services that they utilize enjoy a wonderful experience every time that we speak or work with one another. As a customer, you will be treated respectfully, professionally and with integrity because your telecommunication successes are ours. If your goal is to improve your bottom line while receiving the most satisfying personal service in the industry, then NCT is the place for you to be. National ComTel’s goal is to ‘Connect Your Business with the World.’
Unlike most carriers who tell you what rates you will get, NCT will tailor your rates and services depending on your location and usage, to suit your specific needs. We have the ability and desire to pick from a pool of resources to provide you with the best overall solution.
I along with the management team, are very excited to have this opportunity to provide our customers our products and services. We fully understand that the happiness of our customers is paramount and in order for NCT to continue to succeed, our customers must first have the opportunity to receive competitive rates and the personal service they deserve. I welcome the opportunity to be able to provide you with our services and invite you to join a great team that is dedicated to working for you.”
Todd McIntyre, President National ComTel
Mission, Vision, Promise