National ComTel is proud to be an on-going presenter and educator for the National Franchise Institute. For the past twenty years, National ComTel has specialized in pre-location qualification, communications and IT planning and design for voice, data and IT... read more
The Catch It In Time team joined the Morgan Adams Foundation for the Motorized Madness Media Day Challenge at the Children’s Hospital of Colorado. The RC car race featured teams of four–including at least one pediatric cancer patient–in a friendly... read more
Once again, National ComTel has been recognized by another city for “Best of” for our communication services to business. Let National ComTel go above and beyond regular service by letting us check your location for the best infrastructure available for... read more
Once again the DBJ has named National ComTel as one of the best telecom and IT companies around. And of course in our opinion the best… Outstanding provider of traditional business voice, VoIP, Fax2Mail, toll free, Internet and IT network design and security.... read more
Who could have imagined that a small telecommunications company could survive, grow and thrive for twenty-two years in the jungle of the big uncaring providers. Guess what we are! By providing competitive rates, the best personal and professional support right here... read more