Case in point #2. We had an apparent very happy customer of 2 1/2 years with a three year agreement. With six months remaining on their agreement, we see that their call usage stopped overnight without notice. Someone in their business decided to shop and move away from us. They did this without even mentioning a word to us.
During the 2 1/2 year service period, they did not have one service issue and we even expanded services for them over the current term. They had very good rates and we provided them with 24/7 domestic support unlike our competitors. The customer even commented on how easy it was for them to work with us and that our invoice was easy to understand. They were impressed with our prompt response to any questions by our highly educated staff.
Why is it that you can provide a great product or service at a competitive price, longer support hours, personal professional people, and benefits that no one else provides, how does a customer do this to you?
I just do not understand how a customer can bail on you without notice and not have the respect to even take a moment to tell you or discuss other options. There are businesses that treat their customers wonderfully, however there is little reciprocal respect and I am seeing more of that.
I would love to hear and share your experiances and hopefully how you resolve this issue.