Case in point #2. We had an apparent very happy customer of 2 1/2 years with a three year agreement. With six months remaining on their agreement, we see that their call usage stopped overnight without notice. Someone in their business decided to shop and move away...
Customer loyalty or the lack of it in America is a shame, years ago you could shake the hand of a future customer with honor for an agreement. You would earn the customer’s loyalty over time and they would be there for a very long time unless you totally and...
Were you aware that there is a policy in the Federal government that allows entities like the FCC to bill you and you may not even know it until you receive a late notice with additional fees? On top of that, they can charge you a 25% late fee, admin charges and...
Have you or your company ever switched to a new carrier or vendor? Your new “Rep” sales person is thrilled to have your business and they talk the talk, promising to handle everything relating to your service change-over. One of the last items they care about is how...
“What are the potential advantages to the owner or developer involving a contractor or consultants early in the process of a new idea or project?” Too many times we receive a call for help from current customers and non customers alike. From “we...