Why is it that a business never has the time to do it right, but always has the time and additional money to do it over?
Three times again we have had non customers call us in emergency response mode (ERM) after a last minute move or major office change and no planning. Do not be upset with your provider if you do not plan properly.
1. Customers moves into a new office on Thursday, didn’t have Internet on Friday, wants it today. They never ordered it even though they were informed earlier to plan for 30 days just in case. It is better to have it tested and operational before you move in and pay a little more to have it working before you move in.
2. Customer adds a few employees, does the wiring themselves over the weekend. Monday comes and the new stations are not working, no Internet, no VoIP phones. There are two correct ways to wire Cat 5 cable, this person had no clue. Let the professionals do it correctly and on time the first time.
3. Customer buys a gray box server to save maybe a $100.00, ends up calling us because it is not working and does not have the proper components for their network. We do this daily, we know what is required, now they have a boat anchor and a good new piece of equipment.
If only businesses owners, office managers, the decision makers would listen to the education that is out there for them, they would experience fewer head aches, down time, additional expenditures. There are true professional who are available to assist them, even if just with a few questions… Were here to assist you, not take advantage of you.