Not only is it important for a provider to communicate with a customer frequently, it may be just as important for the customer to communicate with the provider.
Case in point #4. Customer had heard about National ComTel and all our benefits. He was also a know it all…. So he instructed us (the professionals) that he only needed a DSL circuit and that he wants to share a traditional voice line for his main number, fax and credit card processing. Does anyone see a problem developing? I honored his “request” and set up the services only to have issues on his main line and of course he over utilized the DSL with his staff downloading business data.
If the customer would have communicated their true intentions and needs, we would have educated him on what they probably needed. Also, he was trying to run his business on the cheap. We do our very best to educate our customers and others about our industry with monthly letters, blogs, invoice announcements, invoice inserts, emails, phone calls etc. Sometimes the customer has to do their part .