
With the beginning of a new year; is your business prepared for the possibility of another cyber attack, germs that your employee picked up outside the office, or even from within?  Do you have a plan for restarting your network if it goes down?  If not, we suggest that you contact Dave@NationalComTel.com or 800-987-0100.

Cloud use, the growing deployment of internet of things applications, expanding and transitioning networks, and a spurt in data collection will drive the need for cybersecurity scalability in 2017, writes Jon Oltsik. “I do believe we are about to enter a ‘perfect storm’ effect where technology innovation drives revolutionary business processes, with cybersecurity and network security scale dragged along for the ride,”

It’s no surprise that lots of pundits and cybersecurity industry insiders claim that 2017 will be a challenging year full of nation state attacks, ransomware, and a continuing wave of data breaches. I concur with this common wisdom, but I also believe 2017 will be remembered as the year where cybersecurity analytics and operations encountered a wave of unprecedented scale.

Now, I know that the need for security scalability is nothing new. Leading SIEM vendors can all talk about how they’ve had to rearchitect their products over the past few years to scale from thousands to millions of events per second (EPS) and somehow make sense of all this activity.

1. Cybersecurity and network management meets distributed data management.
2. Cybersecurity scale drives SOAPA.
3. Enterprise-class features matter.
4. Product intelligence and services play a much bigger role.
5. Cybersecurity analytics and operations become business and industry applications.



